

Nomokit is a scratch-based software designed as an educational platform for children to learn coding and robotics. Nomokit can connect to various devices such as Arduino UNO, ESP32, NodeMCU, Micro:bit, and other devices.

It is built by modifying the Scratch 3.0 program to enable connectivity with hardware, and it is developed using technologies like React, Laravel, Electron (desktop app), and Flutter (mobile app).


  1. Drag and Drop coding Block for Animation, Games and Robotic
  2. Generated code by blocks
  3. Connected to hardware such as Ardiuno Uno, Arduino Nano, ESP32, NodeMCU, ESP32CAM
  4. User Authentication and Subscription
  5. Available in MacOS, Windows and Browser


  1. React.js
  2. Websocket
  3. Blockly
  4. Laravel
  5. Javascript

Nomokit Landing Page Nomokit Landing Page Nomokit Landing Page